Duminica 22 Decembrie

Cioloș acuzat că poartă un fes scump! Ambasada Suediei a intervenit


Fostul premier Dacian Cioloș a fost acuzat că poartă un fes scump, iar Ambasada Suediei a profitat să facă reclamă. 


Impressed by former PM Dacian Ciolos hat from yesterday’s TV images? It’s a Swedish Fjällräven hat!”, scrie Ambasada Suediei pe Facebook.


Ziaristul Costi Rogozanu a postat pe Facebook o imagine cu Dacian Cioloș, la protestul de duminică. Fesul purtat de Cioloș costă este de 42,95 euro. ”Ofertă pentru fani. fes ciolo, la numai 42,95 euro”, scria Rogozanu pe Facebook.


Postarea integrala a Ambasadei Suediei:


”Impressed by former PM Dacian Ciolos hat from yesterday’s TV images?


It’s a Swedish Fjällräven hat! Since 1964 Fjällräven has provided Sweden with reliable and fashionable outdoor gear. Nowadays, you can spot Fjällräven products all over the world. Surely you recognize the classic “Kånken” –back pack, yet another loved product from Fjällräven. If you fancy this garment, follow this link: https://www.fjallraven.com/

Here you can find more Fjällräven products, and discover for yourself why Swedes have been loving this gear for generations! ”

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