Duminica 22 Decembrie

Elevii din Cluj au luat cele mai multe premii la Festivalul Naţional de Teatru în Limba Engleză


Elevii din Cluj au luat cele mai multe premii la Festivalul Naţional de Teatru în Limba Engleză pentru Elevi. 


Cea de-a 16-a ediţie a Festivalul Naţional de Teatru în Limba Engleză pentru Elevi ”Come with Us to Dramaland” organizat de Inspectoratul Şcolar Judeţean Cluj și CETA (Asociaţia Profesorilor de Limba Engleză Cluj), cu sprijinul partenerului media Casa Radio Cluj a avut loc în perioada 10-12 iunie 2016 la Casa Radio.


Scopul festivalului este valorificarea potenţialului artistic, a competenţelor lingvistice şi dezvoltarea spiritului competiţional al elevilor, prin punerea în scenă a unor piese de teatru in limba engleză.


Evenimentul a avut ca beneficiari direcţi: peste 400 de elevi participanţi, care au pus în scenă 31 de piese de teatru în limba engleză (grupe de vârstă: elevi de nivelul învăţământului primar, gimnazial și liceal); 70 de profesori de limba engleză, specialişti în dramaturgie care au făcut parte din juriul de evaluare, sau care au susţinut ateliere de lucru, iar ca beneficiari indirecţi: profesori de limbi moderne, comunitatea clujeană, părinţi. La secţiunea primar au concurat 3 trupe din Giurgiu și Cluj, la nivel gimnazial au performat 14 trupe din Cluj-Napoca, Turda, Dej, Vama, Vaslui, Negreşti-Oaş, Ocna Mureş, Slobozia, în vreme ce la secţiunea liceu, au urcat pe scenă 14 trupe reprezentând licee din Zalău, Oradea, Deva, Satu Mare, Cluj-Napoca, Turda, Ocna Mureş, Galați, respectiv din Vaslui. 


Premiile acordate la secţiunea primar:


1. Best Shows of the Festival

- The Creepy Woods – adapted script (from various sources), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca


2. Best Acting Teams

-1st Prize– The Creepy Woods – adapted script (from various sources), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca

-2nd Prize:– When Bad Turns Good! - adapted script (after “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault), No. 7 Lower Secondary School, Giurgiu, teacher Marinela Anghel. (5661/11/12.06.2016)

-3rdPrize– E.T. – adapted script, Elf School. Cluj-Napoca, teacher Jake Walters (5661/12/12.06.2016)


3. Best Stage Direction

– The Creepy Woods – adapted script (from various sources), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca


4. Best Musical Background

- E.T. – adapted script, Elf School. Cluj-Napoca, teacher Jake Walters (5661/14/12.06.2016)


5. Best Choreography

- When Bad Turns Good! - adapted script (after “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault), No. 7 Lower Secondary School, Giurgiu, teacher Marinela Anghel. (5661/13/12.06.2016)


6. Individual Interpretation - Best Actors

- 1st Prize: Luchi Leonte as E.T. in  – E.T. – adapted script, Elf School. Cluj-Napoca, teacher Jake Walters (5661/3/12.06.2016)

- 2nd Prize: Stefan Martin  as Hansel in The Creepy Woods – adapted script (from various sources), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca

- 3rd Prize: Alin Burtan as Woodcutter in – When Bad Turns Good! - adapted script (after “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault), No. 7 Lower Secondary School, Giurgiu, teacher Marinela Anghel. (5661/5/12.06.2016)




- 1st Prize: Maria Buzea as Red Riding Hood in – When Bad Turns Good! - adapted script (after “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault), No. 7 Lower Secondary School, Giurgiu, teacher Marinela Anghel. (5661/1/12.06.2016)

- 2nd Prize: Georgiana Grindean and Katia Carbune as Grimm Brothers in The Creepy Woods – adapted script (from various sources), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca

 - 3rd Prize: Alma Ciorba as  The Witch in- The Creepy Woods – adapted script (from various sources), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca


8. Best Supporting Actor: Adrian Ghisa  as Sneezy  in The Creepy Woods – adapted script (from various sources), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca


9. Best Supporting Actress:  Alice Plopeanu as Gretel in in The Creepy Woods – adapted script (from various sources), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca


Premiile acordate la secţiunea gimnaziu:


1. Best Show of the Festival

Low Budget Shakespeare -  original script, No. 3 Lower Secondary School, Negresti Oas, teacher  Szabolcs Dohi (5661/16/12.06.2016)


2. Jury’s Prize:The Importance of Being Earnest – adapted script ( by Oscar Wilde), ‘Onisifor Ghibu’ Theoretical High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Diana Berindeie (5661/32/12.06.2016)


3. Best Acting Teams

-1st Prize - The Wall – original script, Elf School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Leonard Dan (5661/25/12.06.2016)

-2nd Prize– Low Budget Shakespeare -  original script, No. 3 Lower Secondary School, Negresti Oas, teacher  Szabolcs Dohi (5661/26/12.06.2016)

-3rd Prize– Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Aquilla Diamond – adapted script (by Syd River), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca


4. Best Adapted Script

-1st Prize – School of Fears – adapted script (after the book "School of Fear" by Gitty Daneshvari), ‘Nicolae Titulescu’ Lower Secondary School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Leonard Dan (5661/28/12.06.2016)

-2nd Prize - Romeo And Juliet - adapted script (by Geoff Bamber), ‘Ion Creanga ‘School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Camelia Pop (5661/29/12.06.2016)

-3rd Prize Hansel and Gretel - adapted script (by Jeannette Jaquish, ‘Gh. Lazar’ Pedagogical National College, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Adina Bondor (5661/30/12.06.2016)


5. Best Original Script: Low Budget Shakespeare -  original script, No. 3 Lower Secondary School, Negresti Oas, teacher  Szabolcs Dohi (5661/31/12.06.2016)


6. Best Stage Directions: The Wall – original script, Elf School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Leonard Dan (5661/35/12.06.2016)


7. Best Musical Background: Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Aquilla Diamond – adapted script (by Syd River), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca


8. Best Choreography:  The Golden Goose - adapted script, ‘Andrei Muresanu’ National College, Dej, teacher Calina Gavrea (5661/33/12.06.2016)


9. Best Costumes: Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Aquilla Diamond – adapted script (by Syd River), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca


10. Most Popular Show: Low Budget Shakespeare -  original script, No. 3 Lower Secondary School, Negresti Oas, teacher  Szabolcs Dohi (5661/37/12.06.2016)


11. Individual Interpretation:



-1st Prize Matei Marusciac as Principal in School of Fears – adapted script (after the book "School of Fear" by Gitty Daneshvari), ‘Nicolae Titulescu’ Lower Secondary School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Leonard Dan (5661/17/12.06.2016)

-2nd Prize Dohi Lorand as Director in Low Budget Shakespeare -  original script, No. 3 Lower Secondary School, Negresti Oas, teacher  Szabolcs Dohi (5661/18/12.06.2016)

-3rd Prize Cosmin Coldea as Romeo in Romeo And Juliet - adapted script (by Geoff Bamber), ‘Ion Creanga ‘School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Camelia Pop (5661/19/12.06.2016)

 Individual Interpretation:



-1st Prize Melissa Marcus as Lady in Black in School of Fears – adapted script (after the book "School of Fear" by Gitty Daneshvari), ‘Nicolae Titulescu’ Lower Secondary School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Leonard Dan (5661/20/12.06.2016)

-2nd Prize Daria Persa as Cecily in The Importance of Being Earnest – adapted script ( by Oscar Wilde), ‘Onisifor Ghibu’ Theoretical High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Diana Berindeie (5661/21/12.06.2016)

-3rd Prize Rebeca Dan as Granny in Big Bad And Little Red - adapted script (by Raymond Blakesley), ‘Teodor Murasanu’ Lower Secondary School, Turda, teachers Octavian Gruian and Lucica Irimia (5661/22/12.06.2016)

Best Supporting Actor Alexandru Einholcz as Romeo/Hamlet in Low Budget Shakespeare -  original script, No. 3 Lower Secondary School, Negresti Oas, teacher  Szabolcs Dohi (5661/23/12.06.2016)

Best Supporting Actress: Ana Muresan as Cook Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Aquilla Diamond – adapted script (by Syd River), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca



1.The Joy of Acting on Stage –Hansel and Gretel - adapted script (by Jeannette Jaquish, ‘Gh. Lazar’ Pedagogical National College, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Adina Bondor (5661/38/12.06.2016)

2. Inspired Choice of Costumes and Design – Romeo And Juliet - adapted script (by Geoff Bamber), ‘Ion Creanga ‘School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Camelia Pop (5661/39/12.06.2016)

3. Georgia Crisan and Ilinca Diudea (as a couple) – Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Aquilla Diamond – adapted script (by Syd River), Transylvania College, Cluj-Napoca

4. The Most Dynamic Dwarf – Roman Deona The Golden Goose - adapted script, ‘Andrei Muresanu’ National College, Dej, teacher Calina Gavrea (5661/41/12.06.2016)

5. Serious Acting Involvement and Text Difficulty - The Importance of Being Earnest – adapted script ( by Oscar Wilde), ‘Onisifor Ghibu’ Theoretical High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Diana Berindeie (5661/42/12.06.2016)

6. A Life Lesson Message of the Original Script - Oh, How I Miss You!  - original script, Vama Lower Secondary School,  Vama, Satu-Mare, teacher Mihaela Haiduc (5661/43/12.06.2016)

7. The Sense of Togetherness for team and original script - Shining Star – original script, ‘Avram Iancu’ Lower secondary School, Dej, teacher Calina Szasz (5661/44/12.06.2016)

8. Sergiu Castrase as the King in - What do women want? – original script,  ‘Lucian Blaga’ Lower Secondary School, Ocna Mures, teachers Dana Birta and Claudia Stoica (5661/45/12.06.2016)

9. UNPROPER Script for School Students- What do women want? – original script,  ‘Lucian Blaga’ Lower Secondary School, Ocna Mures, teachers Dana Birta and Claudia Stoica (5661/46/12.06.2016)

10. Humorous Reaction to the Story Message - The Obedient Little Girl and the Wolf – adapted script (by Saki), ‘Mihail Kogalniceanu’ High-School, Vaslui, teacher Mihaela Liteanu (5661/47/12.06.2016)


Premiile acordate la secţiunea liceu:


1. Best Shows of the Festival

Dish and Dishonesty -  adapted script, ‘Emil Racovita’ National College, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Cristina Rusu (5661/48/12.06.2016)

2. Jury’s Prize -  Dish and Dishonesty -  adapted script, ‘Emil Racovita’ National College, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Cristina Rusu (5661/64/12.06.2016)

3. Best Acting Teams

-1st Prize- Dish and Dishonesty -  adapted script, ‘Emil Racovita’ National College, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Cristina Rusu (5661/57/12.06.2016)

-2nd Prize: Perseus and the Gorgon’s Head – adapted script  ( after Geoff Bamber), ‘Silvania’ National College, Zalau, teacher Lucia Balanean (5661/58/12.06.2016)

3rdPrize:- Hire A Clown /Old Clown Wanted – adapted script (after Matei Visniec), ‘Tiberiu Popoviciu’ Computer Science High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Liliana Oltean-Gocan (5661/59/12.06.2016) 

4. Best Adapted Scripts

-1stPrize: - Dish and Dishonesty -  adapted script, ‘Emil Racovita’ National College, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Cristina Rusu (5661/60/12.06.2016)

-2ndPrize: - Perseus and the Gorgon’s Head – adapted script  ( after Geoff Bamber), ‘Silvania’ National College, Zalau, teacher Lucia Balanean (5661/61/12.06.2016)

-3rdPrize: - Hire A Clown /Old Clown Wanted – adapted script (after Matei Visniec), ‘Tiberiu Popoviciu’ Computer Science High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Liliana Oltean-Gocan (5661/62/12.06.2016) - anulat

 5. Best Original Script

– The Importance of Being Shallow – original script (by Ioana Albu, Aniela-Ioana Moga, Iulia Domniţeanu), ‘Vasile Alecsandri’ National College, Galati, teacher Aniela-Ioana Moga (5661/63/12.06.2016)

6. Best Stage Direction

- Perseus and the Gorgon’s Head – adapted script  ( after Geoff Bamber), ‘Silvania’ National College, Zalau, teacher Lucia Balanean (5661/68/12.06.2016)

7. Best Musical Background

- Self Discovery (Catastrophe, What, Where) – adapted script (after Samuel  Beckett), ‘Onisifor Ghibu’ High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Diana Berindeie (5661/67/12.06.2016)

8. Best Choreography

- Perseus and the Gorgon’s Head – adapted script  ( after Geoff Bamber), ‘Silvania’ National College, Zalau, teacher Lucia Balanean (5661/66/12.06.2016)

 9. Best Costumes

- Cinderella – adapted script (after David Barrett), ‘Gheorghe Sincai’ Theoretical High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teachers Dana Grigorovici and Ioana Gânscă (5661/65/12.06.2016)

10. Most Popular Show

- - Perseus and the Gorgon’s Head – adapted script  ( after Geoff Bamber), ‘Silvania’ National College, Zalau, teacher Lucia Balanean (5661/69/12.06.2016)

11. Individual Interpretation - Best Actors

- 1st Prize: Tudor Pervain as Prince George in Dish and Dishonesty -  adapted script, ‘Emil Racovita’ National College, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Cristina Rusu (5661/49/12.06.2016)

- 2nd Prize: Andrei Preotu as Nicollo in Hire A Clown /Old Clown Wanted – adapted script (after Matei Visniec), ‘Tiberiu Popoviciu’ Computer Science High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Liliana Oltean-Gocan  (5661/50/12.06.2016)

- 3rd Prize: Thomas as Voice in Self Discovery (Catastrophe, What, Where) – adapted script (after Samuel  Beckett), ‘Onisifor Ghibu’ High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Diana Berindeie (5661/51/12.06.2016)

12. Individual Interpretation - Best Actresses

- 1st Prize: Mira Pop as Blackadder in Dish and Dishonesty -  adapted script, ‘Emil Racovita’ National College, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Cristina Rusu (5661/52/12.06.2016)

- 2nd Prize: Andrada Riza as Narrator in Perseus and the Gorgon’s Head – adapted script  ( after Geoff Bamber), ‘Silvania’ National College, Zalau, teacher Lucia Balanean (5661/53/12.06.2016)

- 3rd Prize: Romana Top as Filippo in Hire A Clown /Old Clown Wanted – adapted script (after Matei Visniec), ‘Tiberiu Popoviciu’ Computer Science High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Liliana Oltean-Gocan  (5661/54/12.06.2016)

13. Best Supporting Actor: Catalin Darjan as ZEUS and Dictys in Perseus and the Gorgon’s Head – adapted script  ( after Geoff Bamber), ‘Silvania’ National College, Zalau, teacher Lucia Balanean (5661/55/12.06.2016)

14. Best Supporting Actress: Emese Vass as Medusa in Perseus and the Gorgon’s Head – adapted script  ( after Geoff Bamber), ‘Silvania’ National College, Zalau, teacher Lucia Balanean (5661/56/12.06.2016)

15. Special Prizes (Jury’s Choice)

- Special Prize for  Humorous Bond Between Characters for Alexandra Cobarzan si Alexandra Pop as Gary and Maya in  Family In Pieces – adapted script  (after “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” by Eduard Albee mixed with an original sketch written by Alexandra Pop and afterwards developed by all members of the team), Children’s Palace, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Livia Bors  (5661/70/12.06.2016)

- Special Prize for Live music at saxophone for Matei Cretiu-Codreanu in Hire A Clown /Old Clown Wanted – adapted script (after Matei Visniec), ‘Tiberiu Popoviciu’ Computer Science High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Liliana Oltean-Gocan  (5661/71/12.06.2016)

- Special Prize  for A Life Lesson, Message and Good Use of Props – in The Fault in Our Stars – adapted script (after John Green), ‘Petru Maior’ Theoretical High-School,  Ocna Mures, teacher Viorica Rogojan (5661/72/12.06.2016)

- Special Prize for Innocent interpretation of characters in Nameless Star – adapted script (after Mihail Sebastian), ‘Mihail Kogalniceanu’ High-School, Vaslui, teacher Mihaela Liteanu (5661/73/12.06.2016)

- Special Prize for His Passion For Script Writing for Vlad Munteanu in  Dracula –original script (by student  Munteanu Vlad), ‘Gheorghe Sincai’ Theoretical High-School, Cluj-Napoca, coordinated by actress Elena Ivanca and teacher Tunde Minuleascu (5661/74/12.06.2016)

- Special Prize for „Funny” Characters from the Woods!  in– A Midsummer Night’s Dream  - adapted script (after William Shakespeare), ‘Iosif Vulcan’ National College, Oradea, teachers Sanziana Nesiu and Felicia Holhos  (5661/75/12.06.2016)

- Special Prize for Humorous Text Composition Of Scenes in I Know You – adapted script (after Richard Nathan), Pedagogical High-School, Zalau, teacher Gilda Seisanu (5661/76/12.06.2016)

- Special Prize for Assuming Character for Iraida Ruget as Sarah in The Importance of Being Shallow – original script (by Ioana Albu, Aniela-Ioana Moga, Iulia Domniţeanu), ‘Vasile Alecsandri’ National College, Galati, teacher Aniela-Ioana Moga (5661/77/12.06.2016)

- Special Prize for Good Image of Character Portrayal for Cinderella – adapted script (after David Barrett), ‘Gheorghe Sincai’ Theoretical High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teachers Dana Grigorovici and Ioana Gânscă (5661/78/12.06.2016)

- Special Prize for Special Effects and Scenography for Self Discovery (Catastrophe, What, Where) – adapted script (after Samuel  Beckett), ‘Onisifor Ghibu’ High-School, Cluj-Napoca, teacher Diana Berindeie (5661/79/12.06.2016)

-Special Prize for Best Poster of the Festival- I Know You – adapted script (after Richard Nathan), Pedagogical High-School, Zalau, teacher Gilda Seisanu (5661/80/12.06.2016)

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